Thursday 15 December 2011

School Memories

I wast just thinking back to the times when I was at school and I realised that actually, it has had a HUGE impact on my life.

I can't count the number of times someone has said to me 'don't worry about the things that happen at school - you probably wont remember half of them when you get older' or something along those lines... but how wrong could they be?!

First of all, at this time, you're probably 'growing up'... A LOT of arguments happen between friends and enemies because at this age everyone is argumentative and stroppy - you can try and deny it, but looking back now I can't believe how moody I was - and that was only a few years ago!!! The arguments are mostly what I remember about school. Drama, drama and more drama. I'd imagine this was strongly but subconsciously influenced by American Teen dramas that make us think we need to make a big deal about everything.

I remember once.. My friendship group argued about strawberry laces. Yes, that's right - the sweets (if you don't know what they are... google them) It was such an immature argument. It began by one friend giving another friend her last lace.... and thus there were none left for the others. One particular friend took this to heart (apparently) and the next day brought in a new packet of this particular sweet... and gave one to everyone apart from the two friends from the day before.

I know.... immaturity at it's best.

I did try my best to stay out of petty arguments when I was at school... for the most part I was a nice, kind person who always thought of others first... this, however made me a victim of school girl dramas. For example... I once told by my friendship group that I need to stop paying them compliments like 'your hair looks nice' because apparently this makes me look needy and I just want friends. At the time I was pretty gutted - I couldn't see any wrong in my actions, and looking back now I just think WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING HANGING AROUND WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!

Okay so other than remembering arguments and petty dramas... you also remember first boyfriends. In my opinion, this is has a huge impact on your later life - but maybe that's just me.
If I can give any advice at all, it would be:

                              Don't, under any circumstances, get a boyfriend/girlfriend in school.

I mean it. It creates drama and stress and eventually you break up.. which then means you have to spend the next few years seeing them around.

You may think I'm being silly, but you'll thank me one day. You should probably wait until college/uni when people have matured A LOT..

Looking back at my school life, I constantly have regrets of ways I acted or reacted to situations and I would change most of them.

Also, and I can only speak for the UK here... but try hard in your GCSE's. They give you basic general knowledge and a head start in life.. because a lot of the stuff you learn comes back later on to bite you..


Until we blog again,

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