Monday 5 December 2011

Sleep is important.

I am British. I am eighteen (soon to be nineteen- watch this space!). I am NOT a morning person.

Don't get me wrong, once i'm up, i'm up and I will just get on with my day... ish.
However, one of the most important things in my life is sleep. After all, I am a teenager (ohhhh stereotypes!).
I'm currently at Uni and when I get the chance, I love going home! The properly cooked food and working appliances make life so much easier, but the one thing I was looking forward to when I moved away was the freedom!!! ... And by that of course I mean sleeping in for however long I want to.

I began my Uni life making an effort to get up no later than about half 8 (days off included) which was strange for me... but I found that I really enjoyed walking into my local town with very few people and just being by myself for a while.

I guess the novelty began to wear off when I realised that it is VERY difficult to get time alone here, and so I returned to my usual teenage habbits of sleeping in until I please. I thought that this would be so easy since now I had no parents around to wake me up....and it was.... until...

*knock, knock*
"Becky are you up?"

-.- those four words that you know you have to reply to - it's just sleeping laws.

You're in that dream state. It's the stage of sleep where you're in total relaxation and could stay in your ball, buried beneath the covers forever, but you're not in a deep sleep, so anything could wake you up.

Whoever you live with, people always like to check your sleeping status, even if it invloves waking you up in the process.
It doesn't make you like the person less, just makes you hate mornings more! which unfortunately for you (and everyone around) puts you in a bad mood for the rest of the day..

....So my beautiful readers (if I have any) here is my list of 'the only reasons you are ever allowed to wake my up before I do so naturally':

1. Someone has had an accident (this is a given- I know)
2. I currently possess something you need. This does not include beauty/hair products.
3. I am late for something very important and have totally forgotten.
4. It's snowing/has snowed overnight... after all.. I am british.
5. There is a fight outside that I can watch from my window (always entertaining)
6. It's christmas/my birthday/other kinds of events
7. I have an exam. Early starts are important for these days and I need breakfast.

So, fellow sleepers.. have I missed any out?

Until we blog again,

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