Thursday 15 December 2011

School Memories

I wast just thinking back to the times when I was at school and I realised that actually, it has had a HUGE impact on my life.

I can't count the number of times someone has said to me 'don't worry about the things that happen at school - you probably wont remember half of them when you get older' or something along those lines... but how wrong could they be?!

First of all, at this time, you're probably 'growing up'... A LOT of arguments happen between friends and enemies because at this age everyone is argumentative and stroppy - you can try and deny it, but looking back now I can't believe how moody I was - and that was only a few years ago!!! The arguments are mostly what I remember about school. Drama, drama and more drama. I'd imagine this was strongly but subconsciously influenced by American Teen dramas that make us think we need to make a big deal about everything.

I remember once.. My friendship group argued about strawberry laces. Yes, that's right - the sweets (if you don't know what they are... google them) It was such an immature argument. It began by one friend giving another friend her last lace.... and thus there were none left for the others. One particular friend took this to heart (apparently) and the next day brought in a new packet of this particular sweet... and gave one to everyone apart from the two friends from the day before.

I know.... immaturity at it's best.

I did try my best to stay out of petty arguments when I was at school... for the most part I was a nice, kind person who always thought of others first... this, however made me a victim of school girl dramas. For example... I once told by my friendship group that I need to stop paying them compliments like 'your hair looks nice' because apparently this makes me look needy and I just want friends. At the time I was pretty gutted - I couldn't see any wrong in my actions, and looking back now I just think WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING HANGING AROUND WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!

Okay so other than remembering arguments and petty dramas... you also remember first boyfriends. In my opinion, this is has a huge impact on your later life - but maybe that's just me.
If I can give any advice at all, it would be:

                              Don't, under any circumstances, get a boyfriend/girlfriend in school.

I mean it. It creates drama and stress and eventually you break up.. which then means you have to spend the next few years seeing them around.

You may think I'm being silly, but you'll thank me one day. You should probably wait until college/uni when people have matured A LOT..

Looking back at my school life, I constantly have regrets of ways I acted or reacted to situations and I would change most of them.

Also, and I can only speak for the UK here... but try hard in your GCSE's. They give you basic general knowledge and a head start in life.. because a lot of the stuff you learn comes back later on to bite you..


Until we blog again,

Monday 12 December 2011

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Review


OK so it's fair to say this film has a huge fan base, and this film saw the beginning of the end to the four-part book series that continues to win over teen-aged girls all over the world, whilst causing serious debates elsewhere.

I think that any film that brings groups of people together with a common interest is fantastic and though I am more of a Potter fan myself, I have never particularly disliked Twilight or been against it in any way.

I should probably start off my actual review by saying that, for me, 'Breaking Dawn Part 1' was almost a completely different movie from the previous three. It starred the usual Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner and all of the other members of the blood-sucking gang.

At this point in the saga, we now see Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) completely committed and getting married, which is a big step for the couple who have spent the last three books/films debating whether they should actually be together and making soppy love confessions.

When I read BD, I found it quite disturbing and to be honest, parts were such a let down! (but I'll get to that when part 2 comes out). For me, most of the drama and excitement happens in the first half of the book, which I suppose is why I was not completely disappointed by the movie.

BD begins with the wedding of the infamous couple. At this point, they seem pretty comfortable and settled, which is nice to see for once! Alice (Ashley Greene) makes her usual, loosely-funny comments at the start of the movie and then we get some mushy Bella-Edward moments.

The scene they are first in together was, funnily enough, the scene I had the biggest problem with... and no, I'm not talking about how 'it wasn't like that in the book' (even though it wasn't)... I'm talking about Edward sudden-out-of-no-where confession of killing people. This is of course, relevant to his character, but the way it was worded and worked into the film made it seem awkward and very put-together...

It kind of went *Bella and Edward going to get married.... Everything is very mushy... awwww he's come to see her the night before...*
Then I think he asks her if she has cold feet (or something like that)
And then he just says something like "well I have cold feet because you don't know my dark side" (what- that you're a vampire?!)
Then he continues on a very quick and unnecessary rant about how he killed some murderers about 8 years ago and feel very bad about it. In my opinion this should have just been left out completely! The film would have been fine without it anyway...

I guess another thing I felt was wrong with this film was 'the scene where the wolves get really angry' (as I have now named it) which is basically where the wolves find out about Bella's baby-mutant-vampire-spawn-thing and kind of want to kill it....

In the book, this scene is a great moment where Jacob (Taylor Lautner) rises up to the great alpha-wolf that he is in order to protect Bella from harm. This scene is supposed to give Jacob just an important role and to me, the whole thing was a blur or cartoon wolves, with commentary and was over in about 2 minutes. This film definitely didn't give Jacob's character the spotlight he deserved.

Okay... so now something I loved.

I don't know how they did it, but Bella in her sickness/pregnancy was unbelievably realistic! Stewart is pretty skinny anyway, but effects on her made her look anorexic and extremely grey in colour. It was fantastic! Plus I really think she stepped up her acting skills in this movie... there was no more of this muttering words I couldn't understand or the stammering - OH GOD THE STAMMERING!

Well, I definitely think this in an excellent way to end a blog post. I could probably go on further an analyse each scene for you... but I won't (don't worry..).

I will just end this by telling you to go an see this movie. It is not great.... it's no Oscar winner... but you will enjoy it because its a guilty pleasure. The story line is crazy and cringey and it's awesome.

That is all.

Until we blog again,


Okay, so people dislike a LOT of things...and being human, we love to talk about how much we dislike these things.

Two things I hear most often are 'I hate Justin Bieber' and 'I hate Twilight'. I think they are just controversial topics, like marmite (as they say...).

I don't think there is anything wrong with disliking something. I think sometimes it is a positive thing :)
It's all part of discovering things about yourself and letting others get to know you...

However, I do think people need to learn the difference between something or someone that is 'crap' (using lighter words here..) or 'untalented', and something or someone that they dislike.

I am not a fan of Justin Bieber. By this I mean, I don't buy his music because it isn't something I would usually listen to. I would like to stress, however, that is is unfair to say that he is untalented just because I don't like his music, and to be perfectly honest I think it would be ignorant to say that.

It is definitely fair to say he can sing - however high or low you think his voice is, and I also applaud anyone that can play an instrument or write their own music.

Whether you like his music or not, he certainly is not untalented.

More to the point, I get even angrier about the fact that people then begin to hate the fans that like him. I mean, leave them alone guys! what is wrong with people having an obsession? I bet you wouldn't turn against someone who felt that way about beyonce? or the beatles?

Tell me what you think... Is it ok to judge someone's talent based on your opinion of them? or Is it wrong to combine the two?

Should we then continue to hate others that disagree?

Unti we blog again,

Saturday 10 December 2011

My Struggles With Blogland...

I love writing my blog, despite only having written 3 posts so far... but like most of the bloggers out there, finding topics to write about is so very difficult.

Of course, I have many opinions but sharing them is a completely different matter, and finding structure to each of my posts is another story all together!

I find that my mind (wow that rhymed..) is just a big bubble of so many different thoughts and ideas that I should probably categorize sooner or later... but right now it's a mess that no hired cleaner could sort out!

If I do have any readers... I would love to know what you think I should blog about.. just to put me on the right track.

Until we blog again,

Monday 5 December 2011

Sleep is important.

I am British. I am eighteen (soon to be nineteen- watch this space!). I am NOT a morning person.

Don't get me wrong, once i'm up, i'm up and I will just get on with my day... ish.
However, one of the most important things in my life is sleep. After all, I am a teenager (ohhhh stereotypes!).
I'm currently at Uni and when I get the chance, I love going home! The properly cooked food and working appliances make life so much easier, but the one thing I was looking forward to when I moved away was the freedom!!! ... And by that of course I mean sleeping in for however long I want to.

I began my Uni life making an effort to get up no later than about half 8 (days off included) which was strange for me... but I found that I really enjoyed walking into my local town with very few people and just being by myself for a while.

I guess the novelty began to wear off when I realised that it is VERY difficult to get time alone here, and so I returned to my usual teenage habbits of sleeping in until I please. I thought that this would be so easy since now I had no parents around to wake me up....and it was.... until...

*knock, knock*
"Becky are you up?"

-.- those four words that you know you have to reply to - it's just sleeping laws.

You're in that dream state. It's the stage of sleep where you're in total relaxation and could stay in your ball, buried beneath the covers forever, but you're not in a deep sleep, so anything could wake you up.

Whoever you live with, people always like to check your sleeping status, even if it invloves waking you up in the process.
It doesn't make you like the person less, just makes you hate mornings more! which unfortunately for you (and everyone around) puts you in a bad mood for the rest of the day..

....So my beautiful readers (if I have any) here is my list of 'the only reasons you are ever allowed to wake my up before I do so naturally':

1. Someone has had an accident (this is a given- I know)
2. I currently possess something you need. This does not include beauty/hair products.
3. I am late for something very important and have totally forgotten.
4. It's snowing/has snowed overnight... after all.. I am british.
5. There is a fight outside that I can watch from my window (always entertaining)
6. It's christmas/my birthday/other kinds of events
7. I have an exam. Early starts are important for these days and I need breakfast.

So, fellow sleepers.. have I missed any out?

Until we blog again,