Wednesday 9 May 2012

Review: Avengers Assemble

Star Rating: *****

That's right, 5 Stars from me!
I LOVED this movie. Everything about it.

The story line was kind of weak... you know, there's a bad guy... all the avengers are gathered together by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and stop the bad guy called Loki, brother of Thor (played by Tom Hiddleston) who wants to cause destruction etc.

But I don't care about the weak storyline - It did not for a moment stop the movie from being entirely AWESOME!.

Okay so, the avengers include Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), The Hulk/Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) and Black Widow/Natasha Raminoff (Scarlett Johansson).

This movie is full of action, clever one-liners and amazing graphics... and I definitely recommend it. I have already seen the other movies based around each of the avengers so every character was familiar to me, as well as their 'histories'. I definitely think everyone should watch the other films before seeing this movie.. not because you wont understand it, but because it's almost like seeing all your weird friends with super-abilities together (I know, I know.. very sad).

I definitely loved the use of comedy in the movie, as it wasn't OTT, but just enough to remind us that marvel isn't meant to be dark and all-serious. The script is fantastic, but not easy to follow. I think they definitely added the sci-fi lingo to make the storyline seem more confusing than it was, but even so, I did not care as I was kept entertained all the way through.

Mark Ruffalo filled a pair of extra large boots as the new alter-ego(ish) of THE HULK! and he really did an excellent job, in my ever-so-humble opinion. His voice and manner was just so so calm, which was an absolutely brilliant addition to the whole 'Bruce Banner turns into giant green monster' thing, as it kind of reminded you that they were two almost very different personalities, and that Banner was trying everything in his power not to get angry. LOVED IT!

Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans resumed their roles as Iron Man and Captain America and did a brilliant job, introducing a kind of brotherly relationship - including all the bickering (which was hilarious)... And lets not forget Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson who starred as Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow and were also very brilliant and very very hot! (yes - Scarlett Johansson is hot.. even from my point of view!)

Okay, so it's only May and I can already say that this movie will be in my top 10 for this year. It's a definite must-see, especially for any marvel fans out there.. or just any massive nerds like me!
It's fast moving, comedic and extremely enjoyable

I only wish I had seen it in 3D...  ;)

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