Monday 7 May 2012

Dealing With People

I have met a lot of people in my life so far.

The majority of them were lovely... perhaps they wound me up a little at points, but that happens with everyone as some point right?
Unfortunately there will always be the other people...
The people you want to scream at but know that nothing good will come of it.
The people that cause your hair to fall out.

First, I just want to say that nobody is perfect, and chances are, you are probably a difficult person to someone else in the world.
I could never assume that I am a person that waltzes through life without pissing anyone off, and I am completely aware that I am very opinionated amoungst many of my other flaws... which probably makes a lot of people dislike me, but unfortunately a lot of people don't think like this...

which brings me to...
Type 1 - The people in denial
I find these people one of the most difficult, because they completely assume that they have no flaws.. or very few atleast... And I don't mean appearance-wise, because obviously most people have something they dislike about themselves, but I mean that they are completely dillisional about what their true flaws actually are.
For instance you may often hear 'I'm too nice' or 'too generous' or 'I let people walk all over me'.
That's not a flaw and you know it!
When it comes to their actual flaws (perhaps they are bossy or snobbish or just rude), they just cannot see the truth.
I think sometimes we can all be a 'Type 1', - I mean, it's not your fault if you can't see how you are behaving...but it is when this denial becomes constant that you almost want to scream 'YOU'RE A DICK!!!' into their faces :)
The only way I can suggest dealing with these people is to either leave it, and accept they are a twat and wont admit it... or you can sit them down and talk about the issue you have with them (if it is constructive and you think they are likely to change - which they probably wont as they have no flaws, right?)... If it was me then I would just leave it because they probably wont understand what you're on about and tell you that you're being a big bully (see Type 3).

Type 2- The Compulsive Liars
Not necessarily big lies.. maybe just little fibs? but still fucking annoying.
It can be anything from an exaggeration of their life to 'I swear I didn't take the last biscuit'.
But you know they did ;)
The frustration is that you know they are lying, but you have no way of proving it and you just sit there, listening to their lie and smiling.... saying nothing.
Within the Type 2 categrory is the people I call 'the ones that lie to get out of trouble'. By 'trouble' I do mean little things... like breaking an object, for instance, and then just trying to hide it until someone else breaks it so they can take the blame.. or if like me you live in a shared house and someone uses your washing tablets and when asked about it (just to find out where they have gone) lie about it (quite obviously).!!!!
(Sorry, a bit of personal venting right there.... )
Okay, so the best thing to do with these people is to just ask them for the truth. They will soon learn that telling the truth is easier than stringing along some lies. Either that, or just make a suttle implication that you know the truth about them and let them SUFFFFFFERRR ;)

Type 3- The people who like to victimise themselves
I have no time for these people. Everyone has days where they feel like everyone is ganging up on them, but people who believe they have done nothing wrong in an argument and that they are the innocent ones are just as dilluded as the 'Type 1' people.
There are two sides to every argument and usually both sides are to blame (unless... you know... one cheated with the other ones partner, for instance.. ).
I have no way of dealing with these people... don't try and talk to them about it... you'll probably just be really mean to them or something.

Type 4 - The spoilt brats and high-maintainence princesses
This is usually only for girls... but with an occassional guy here and there.
They value money. They have a boyfriend, probably. Their boyfriend buys them A LOT.
I'm not saying that being bought stuff is a bad thing... but when you being to realise that most of your conversations revolve around money... when you return the £80 bracelet your boyfriend bought you because you think it's ugly... that is when you should know.. YOU'RE FAR TOO SPOILT.
I may fall into Type 1-3 at some point... but I steer clear of Type 4. Always.
Type 4 people often try and make it look like they have no money or are struggling (so may fall into type 3) ... they may say things like 'my family is really struggling with money right now' while you're thinking .. perhaps you could sell one of your 3 houses?...
I don't think these people are particularly bad as they perhaps don't realise they have more money than the people in their company.. but sometimes you just think 'SHUT UP'.

Type 5 - the 'I don't care' People
You know the people.
The ones who just don't care about anything.
They really frustrate me, because I really do care, and I can never see things from their perspective.
What annoys me further is that they probably do care, they just don't want to seem like they do.
But it does make it difficult when people get offended or hurt... or they go out looking like complete dicks and say they don't care when you politely tell them they have a strange hair sticking out the top of their head.
At the end of the day, it's only going to make them look stupid.. and usually they will slyly slip to a mirror to fix their stray hair... but they people that offend others and society with their 'I don't care' attitude (I'm looking at you - rioters!!!) are the pricks we need to look out for.

Okay.... so there are 5 for you to look out for now ;)
Got any other ideas? message me on twitter or write in the comment beeeelow ;)

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