Wednesday 11 January 2012

A Whole New World.

This evening, I sat down with my housemates to watch Disney's Aladdin. This movie was one of many that played a huge part in my childhood. Every girl wanted to be a Disney princess at some point. Seven-year-old me would have given anything to be Cinderella is a pumpkin carriage, or Belle held captive by a mysterious prince-turned-beast.

One thing all of these films had in common was that the girl always got the guy. After all, it would have been pretty boring if after everything, Belle thought to herself 'You know what... I kind of fancy the bad guy after all' or Jasmine thought 'I can't believe Aladdin lied to me. Better find someone with money'. those scenarios would have certainly been entertaining... and probably more realistic... but of course, Disney would have never let us be influenced by something that was not a fairytale ending.

I love Disney movies, but actually.. they give young children a pretty unrealistic image of what to expect in life.

You probably think I'm being over-dramatic (I probably am.. ) but c'mon... In real life you would never be able to automatically tie your hair up with a single ribbon and expect it to stay exactly the way you styled it all day - at least not without three cans of hairspray and a few bobby-pins. And on a more serious note, the majority of us would never be able to be carried away on a white horse into the sunset... or marry a prince (though I hear Harry is still available...).

OK so, I complain a lot... but really I love the majority of Disney movies. Even the unrealistic princess ones! They gave me imagination... and the idea that the majority of animals can talk.
Oh and not forgetting the talking furniture (Thanks Belle...) and of course talking Toys.

OK so now we can move on to that topic. That one film (or three films..) that is loved by children and adults of all ages. Yeah, you said it...


yes. I love it too.

OK so that is all I have to say :)

Until we blog again,

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