Tuesday 24 January 2012


I recently asked two of friends (who both have boyfriends, might I add) how they know they are "in love".

I did give a *CHEESEY QUESTION WARNING!!* beforehand, don't you worry.

But, in general, I was just curious.

I mean, both these girls argue constantly with their boyfriends that they so claim to "love" and I suppose I was just interested in what makes them know they love their boyfriends despite their arguments.

How do you know when you're in love? and how can you differentiate between lust and love?

The first of my friends replied "Well... you just know"


As  you can tell this was NOT the answer I was looking for...

My second friend said to me "I want to be with him all the time, and when I'm not with him I want to talk to him"

Okay, so this gave me a little bit more of an insight into what i'm looking at, but even so, this isn't to do with how you feel.. is it?

I came to the conclusion that it is indescribable, like my first friend said "you just know"..

But then that lead me to a further question, how do you know you've found 'The One'.

Surely the answer to this is.. you don't... and what does this term even mean?!
People think they have found that one special person nearly every time they begin dating them. At the beginning, everything is seen through rose-tinted glasses and you may as well be running towards each other in slow motion in a meadow.

Okay, some people eventually get married... but then again, some people get divorced. I bet you anything that when that person first started dating their ex-partner that they could have sworn they were "The One".

My first friend also said "you just know when you've found that one person you're going to be with for the rest of your life"... but really?


This brings me to my next utterly-miserable point.


We are completely brainwashed my movies and television that encourages us to believe that you can meet eyes with someone and then automatically love them.
I'm not saying that linking eyes with someone isn't possible. It may lead to talking. or a date. maybe eventually marriage.... but the feeling you felt when you first saw that person wasn't love. It was lust.

which is just plain fancying the pants of someone. And if you meet eyes with someone on a night out, they are probably looking for a hook-up.

sorry... :/

If anyone has ever seen the film He's just not that into you, alothough slightly cheesey, it actually provides a perfect insight into dating in general (if you cut out the part at the end where boy gets girl blah blah blah).

I think that is all I have to complain about...

Until we blog again,

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