Sunday 9 September 2012

Review: Ted

Star Rating:***

Director: Seth MacFarlane

Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Seth MacFarlane, Giovanni Ribisi, Joel McHale, Patrick Warburton, Aedin Mincks

Plot/Overview: A kid, John Bennet (Wahlberg), wishes that his Teddy Bear 'Ted' (MacFarlane) could talk and so it comes to life, which causes a problem later in life when John is all grown-up and living with his girlfriend Lori (Kunis) and a teddy bear that smokes weed.
To be honest, my expectations for this film were low. I have never been into the crude types of movies but this movie totally surprised me! There was of course, the typical plot that focused around the relationship between John, Lori and Ted ... but there was also a subplot that introduced two new characters,  Donny (Ribisi) and his son Robert (Mincks) who are completely obsessed with the famous talking bear, Ted.

What are the good points?
1. The subplot with Donny and Robert really makes the movie that much better. It adds so much more humour and excitement and I am definitely glad they added this in.

2. Mila Kunis. She's not really funny but let's face it, she's hot and the movie wouldn't be the same without her.

What are the bad points?
 1. I didn't actually think the bear was that funny really, considering he was the main character... I just don't think crude humour is funny (Hey, I'm not a prude). Don't get me wrong, there were some funny parts/lines but on the whole... he wasn't that hilarious. Sorry.

2. The fact that I have nothing else to say about this film says it all...

Should you see this movie?
I would say yes. Don't go out of your way to see it.. I mean, it's not crucial or anything, but if you have a free afternoon, fancy a bit of a giggle and an 'alright' movie then go for it. I would say you will probably find this funnier if you are a teen (15+)... just because it's one of those films (I'm looking at you American Pie 4 and onwards)... but also because it does still have a pretty good sub-plot.

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