Tuesday 29 November 2011

How to be

I can't say the same for guys (because i'm not one), but for girls, life can't get pretty tough when you're surrounded by endless messages that tell us we are meant to look and be a ceratin way.
I was flipping through one of my favourite magazines (not mentioning any names here..) and came accross an article that focuses completely on 'how to get a guy to like you' or something along those lines.
It gave tips on things like 'how to approach him' and the 'do's and dont's' of a first date.
Now don't get me wrong, I love these kinds of articles! though i hardly ever follow their advice, they are pure entertainment, and i'm pretty sure that on some level they may work... ish.

An article in their following issue however, contradicted the previous one entirely! and I suppose this is where my problem lies...

This article, again, gave dating advice... though this time it focused mainly on the idea that to get 'the guy you want' you have to be yourself.

So i'm meant to be myself, but at the same time follow the rules you have laid out for me so I can act like the 'perfect first date'..

Okay, Okay so that example not good enough? It goes further than that...

Ever seen a TV programme or seen a magazine that focuses on 'how much we love people of all shapes and sizes!' and that it's ok to be bigger than a size 6?
TV shows like 'How to look good naked' appear to embrace larger, more womanly figures, and I have to admit, kind of made me feel good about myself.

But... here we go again...

 the moment when you turn the article on how we must all love ourselves and BAM!!! skinny model on the next page!

.. "you know, I think I can see her ribs"... you think to yourself, whilst subconsciously your self -esteem melts away.

And again, even Gok fails us when he sends out his skinny, size 4 model at the end of his 'fashion fix' show, after so many of his shows encouraging women to be comfortable with their figures.

The question I ask is, what message is society trying to send us?

I certainly prefer the message that tells us to love our bodies and feel comfortable in our own skin, but I can't help notice that lingering feeling that I need to be just like ever other skinny model in the world.

I may be looking too much into this point (I do tend to over analyze) but it is something that has been bugging me, and as you will learn (if you continue reading my posts that is...) I tend to vent when things get on my nerves.

Let me know what you think :)

Until we blog again,

I guess you have to start at the beginning...

So, I decided to join the band-wagon and start a blog.
I know... Fancy.

I don't know where this urge came from, but it just seemed perfect for someone like me, who is constantly thinking and extremely opinionated.
My blogging plan is quite simply- write whatever I am thinking or feeling, and don't get me wrong, this won't become my online diary, just more like a log of my thoughts. Im talking everything from reviews to ideas to generally things that are on my brain... we'll see how it goes.

Until we blog again,